In a world of mass media, escaping the comparison of one’s external image based on societal standards is nearly impossible. This subliminal is designed to reinforce positive self-image and confidence so as to remain unswayed by external influence from a young age.

Scroll down below the affirmation list to play the subliminal.



The affirmations

  1. I am a beautiful person.

  2. My body is healthy, strong and perfect exactly as it is.

  3. I enjoy moving my body.

  4. I love what and who I see when I look in the mirror.

  5. I am beautiful on the inside and out.

  6. I am confident in how I appear.

  7. I am unique.

  8. There is no one like me and I Iove that.

  9. I look exactly as I meant to.

  10. I love taking care of my health.

  11. Feeling and looking good is important to me.

  12. I define what beautiful is for myself.

  13. I see myself and others as beautiful.

  14. People around me see my confidence.

  15. I love to dress how I feel best.

  16. I have nothing to prove.

  17. I let go of all self judgment.

  18. I make healthy choices for myself.

  19. I speak kindly to myself and others.

  20. People find me attractive.

  21. I love my body, my face, my skin, my eyes, my whole self.

  22. Confidence is attractive.

  23. I am confident.

  24. I am my biggest fan.

  25. This subliminal always works for me.


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